
One of my favourite snacks has always been crackers. Unfortunately, most crackers are pretty unhealthy and not a great source of nutrients. Most crackers from a box are processed, refined and stripped of their nutrient value. On top of that, they are often filled with vegetable oils like canola, safflower, sunflower or cottonseed oil which are unstable inside the body. Most boxed crackers are full of refined carbs and unhealthy fats and have little to no protein or fibre content- the more you eat, the more you want to keep eating!

These crackers are made with chickpea flour so you not only get the fibre from the chickpeas, but you also get quite a bit of protein. They are great on their own, but even better with some veggies and hummus on the side (just in case you didn't get enough chickpeas)!

The recipe, as always, is very simple but it does require a bit of effort to produce them. Here's what you'll need to make these tasty and healthy crackers:


  • 2 cups chickpea flour

  • 1/4 cup avocado oil

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1.5 tsp ea salt

  • 1/2 cup water


Start by preheating your oven to 350 F. In a large bowl combine all dry ingredients and mix. Create a well in the centre of the flour and add oil and water. Mix until combined with a spoon. Using your hands, form one big dough ball. If the mixture is too crumbly, add 1 Tbsp water more at a time. The dough should stick together but not be too wet. Once you have your dough ball, cut it in half and place one half on a sheet of wax/parchment paper. Place another piece of parchment paper over it to roll it out. Roll it out fairly thin and make sure it's even. Place the bottom parchment paper with the rolled out flour onto a baking sheet. Using a pizza slicer, slice horizontally and vertically making squares in the flour. Do the same thing with your other half dough ball; cover, roll, slice. Place both baking trays in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Make sure you check them around 13 minutes to make sure they don't burn. I usually let mine bake for around 18 minutes but at the 15 minute mark I will take the pieces on the perimeter out since they usually burn quicker. When they are firm and starting to turn golden brown, take them out of the oven. Let them cool completely before storing them in a ziploc bag or airtight container in your pantry- no need to refrigerate! 


Let me know what you guys think and how they turned out for you. Happy eating, everyone!

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