Hey everybody!

I'm so excited to be sharing a new and healthy recipe every week for you to try. As you all know, I absolutely love food and love cooking. I know not everyone shares my love of finding new recipes to try and cooking, so I've done the leg work for you. All of the recipes I'll be posting come from other bloggers. I will post the recipe and a link to their websites so you can try other recipes from them. I will also say in each blog if I've modified the recipe in any way to suit my specific tastes or needs.

This weeks recipe turned out SO good! I didn't know how they were going to turn out because I've never not cooked lentils before I've eaten them, but wow-I was shocked! These lentil wraps are super easy and quick to make. They are also naturally gluten-free, high in fibre, high in protein and make the perfect accompaniment to a beautiful side salad or a ping hot bowl of soup. 

This recipe is from the website Veggie Jam which you can get to by clicking here

3-ingredient lentil tortillas


  • 3/4 cup red lentils (150 g)
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper


  1. Drain and rinse the lentils well. Soak them in 1 1/4 cup filtered water for at least 3 hours.

  2. Blend the soaked lentils together with the water, salt and pepper until smooth. The dough should be slightly thick, like pancake batter.

  3. Heat a non-stick pan to medium heat. Transfer 1/4 cup* of the dough to the pan and spread the dough evenly to a thin circle. Cook till the upper side begins to harden, then carefully flip and cook from the other side. Repeat with the remaining dough. Cooking time per tortilla is about 1-2 min. They should be slightly browned (see photos).

  4. Serve directly or store covered in the fridge. To reheat, simply place them on a hot pan.

Recipe Notes

*1/4 cup servings makes lentil tortillas the size of corn tortillas. I don't recommend making them much bigger.

Below is the picture of what the website says they should look like and it was very close to what my outcome was. You know how sometimes the food you make looks nothing like the picture? Mine looked almost identical. She said it should make between 7-8 small tortillas, but I only got 4 out of mine. I did however not follow the recipe 100%. Instead of leaving the soaking water with the lentils, I drained them again after the 4 hour soak to remove the phytic acid. I then eyeballed the amount of water I thought was left from the sad and added 3/4 cup into the blender with the lentils. I also added 1/2 tsp of garlic powder to make them a bit more flavourful. 


I was surprised at how quickly these came together and am wondering if I should have added a bit more water. I had to use a spoon to spread out the batter in the pan. They really only took 2 min to cook each and turned out amazing. Not only are they quick and easy to make, they are also a great plant-based protein so you can add your toppings and know you're eating a balanced meal.

Head over to veggiejam.com and have a look at her other recipes and let me know how this one turns out for you! Happy eating, everyone!

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